I swoon over anything in the pancake family, crepe's, poffertjes (mini dutch pancakes) ricotta pancakes, the list goes on so here is the formula for a quick Pikelet mix. Serve them steaming hot with one of my other favorite things in this world, Bonnie Maman Blackberry Conserve and lashings of and you have a devilishly-delightful afternoon tea!

Sift 2 cups organic self asing flour into a large mixing bowl.
Crack 2 large eggs into the bowl.
Add a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt.
Add milk and stir with a whisk until smooth but not too runny consistency. (Use soy milk for vegan/dairy free but still delicious version)
Heat a heavy based fry pan with a little butter or cooking spray.
Cook in batches of 3 pikelets at a time.

Serve hot or cold with as many different delicious accompaniments you can think of. Fresh figs with mascarpone cheese, maple syrup and cinnamon, strawberries and icing sugar.............