I'm simply not ready to say goodbye to winter yet. There's nothing I enjoy more than a cold winters night, walking through the city with an ice-cold nose wearing vintage furs. How could you not love climbing into bed after a nice long hot bath with your toes all wrinkly and soggy? What about soup?! There are endless winter soups to try and just not enough time!

Dear Sydney, please don't give up on winter just yet.


Usually gazing at such a perfect specimen (NB: those beautiful photos of Abby below) would deter one from eating such foods as pasta. But I have found a fine excuse to ditch my diet and eat only comfort food. Besides, it's winter!

Here is my very quick recipe for a delicious feed...

2 eschallots diced
tablespoon on extra virgin olive oil
100mls light cream or creme fraiche
3 peices of shortcut smoked bacon
3/4 cup of baby peas
some fresh herbs - thyme and rosemary for example
1 packet of fresh gluten-free fettucini (you can buy from selected green grocers, there is a great one available at Thomas Dux)

Put a pot of hot water on to boil.

Cut the smokey bacon into strips and place in heavy based pan cold. By heating the bacon from cold the fat comes out and makes the dish extra tasty as well as meaning you don't need to add much extra oil.

Pull off some of the fresh herbs and add them to the pan along with the diced eschallots.

Once the bacon and onions are caramelised add the peas and cream and simmer gently to thicken.

Place the fettucini in rapidly boiling salted water for a few minutes until al dente, then strain and mix through the sauce.

Serve with a dash of olive oil drizzled on top: 'Bellisimo'!



Landed in Incu this week!


So I have been on a very self indulgent blogcation of late. Since graduating I went to work in New York, lost myself in Melbourne and then spent a long few weeks detoxing in the mountains of Bali. Four months later this has left me not only broke but lacking Sydney adventures to share. So - here's my best of July to hopefully get me off the hook until I find some more amazing things to do and even better places to see.


Music and coffee in bed. Lazy Saturday nights under covers and Sunday mornings waking up late. Plane trips. Walking the streets. The below songs have been repeating in my ears a little too regularly. I do have to admit - I have amazing friends with amazing music taste. Every day they inspire me to listen to something new. Whether it's preparing to win pod wars, making the perfect playlist for lying around or background music for Balderdash, we're always trying to enhance our listening pleasure. Here's a playlist to old loves, new loves and good friends.

1. Soul Man - Sam & Dave
2. Every Day Is Like Sunday - The Smiths
3. Best Friend - The Drums
4. Ecstasy - jj
5. Love Train - The Ojays
6. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
7. I Can't Go For That - Hall & Oates
8. Angel Dust - Gill Scott Heron
9. Poison Ivy - The Paramounts
10. Blue Ridge Mountains - Fleet Foxes


Young fresh photographers blowing my mind via Dossier.


90s + thriller + Drew Barrymore = A combination that just can't go wrong. I can't believe I only just discovered Poison Ivy in the weekly section of Civic Video. Fun fact - the character Ivy was ranked #6 on the list of the top "26" bad girls of all time by Entertainment Weekly. What a babe.


Yesterday I found a true gem. South Dowling St. has never looked so wholesome. Youeni Provides is a new cafe/green grocer busting with artisan breads, fresh herbs and local produce. The food is simple and seasonal and the service good looking. Yum yum yum.

youeni Provides
379B South Dowling St. Darlinghurst
(02) 9368 0220



It takes a lot for me to comment on a particular fashion collection. However, Acne resort is just so right I can't resist. Colour block me, give me one of those fierce leather hats and life would be just sweet.