I was lucky enough to receive my first lot of Moroccan Oil in a gift bag last week. After contemplating whether to invest in it or not, a free bottle was just what I needed to convert. After just a few days of use, my fine baby hair is the shiniest it has ever been. Still a long way from my dream Victoria's Secret locks but thank you Moroccan Oil. Now I just need someone to stop me from investing in the whole range from hydrating masks to glimmer shine spray. Or maybe just let me and my healthy hair be!


Next time you're nursing a sore head from Friday night, I've got the perfect beacon of hope. The Nourishing Quarter stall at Kings Cross markets has the most delicious hangover food ever. The vegan, Vietnamese food will provide healing (so I'm told) from any kind of late night debauchery and is packed with super ingredients such as quinoa and chia seeds.

Kings Cross Markets
Every Saturday 8am - 2pm


Being a creature of habit, in December I always find myself longing for a new year rather than the festivities of Christmas. I'm all about fresh starts and finding new inspirations. For 2011, I'm looking forward to spending time in London, Paris and Berlin and hopefully finding a new beautiful house near the water. So here's to the countdown to the new year and everything I hope it becomes.