It was forecasted to rain and it was windy, it was not lookin' good. But none the less, we packed some picnic items, a wheel of double brie, lavosh crackers, home made peach iced tea, chickpea and beetroot salad and braved what we were expecting to be a mega disappointment on Sunday evening.

We were looking foreward to see Wes Andersens latest film until this moment and we weren't gonna give up without a fight. Having read many Roald Dahl books throughout our childhood and Fantastic Mr Fox being one of our favourites meant we had high expectations from the start.

I had seen a film once in a park at Bangalow, near Byron Bay and my experience was horrid. The combined freakily-freezing night, uncomfortable plastic chairs and crappy strung up screen made me not want to ever watch a film outside again. So when i was given a free ticket to Moonlight Cinema in Centennial Park i had a pang of anxiety as i agreed to go.

We surprised ourselves and had a nice cosy time, curling up in the pillows and sprawling over the picnic rug. The setting was perfect and we will definitely go back again to lay under the stars, eat, drink and watch a great movie.